Frequently asked questions from our customers

Questions about Target Genotyping

What information must the customer provide for the establishment of a genotyping?

For the establishment and validation of each target we need information about the primer sequences used, the size of the PCR products, and - if available - JAX number and the DNA sequence of the construct. The latter is only required in very rare, complicated cases. If a 3-primer system is used, the information about which of them is the universal primer that is always involved in the PCR with the other two is very helpful. In the appendix you will find our Target sample sheet, in which all required information can be entered.

Do you have any further questions?

Feel free to call us at +49 (0) 341 / 39 29 86 90, send us an E-Mail or fill out the following form. 

Whichever way you choose, we guarantee fast and competent support.